Soft QCD : Identified particles : pt : Ξ-

Generator Group: Soft-Inclusive MCs Heavy-Ion MCs Epos Custom
Subgroup: Min-Bias Generators Diffractive Generators

PbPb @ 2760 GeV

ALICE |y| < 0.5, centr = 0-10%

Plot of ptxim in 2760 GeV PbPb collisions

ALICE |y| < 0.5, centr = 10-20%

Plot of ptxim in 2760 GeV PbPb collisions

ALICE |y| < 0.5, centr = 20-40%

Plot of ptxim in 2760 GeV PbPb collisions

ALICE |y| < 0.5, centr = 60-80%

Plot of ptxim in 2760 GeV PbPb collisions